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Migrating from Hoarcekat

Hoarcekat is a popular storybook plugin like flipbook. Because of its popularity, its story format is supported by flipbook so that you have an easier time migrating.


This guide assumes you are using Rojo to manage your source code. If you are not then your mileage may vary.

Creating the Storybook

The main difference in how flipbook and Hoarcekat handle stories is that flipbook requires a "storybook" file to know where your stories are. As such, to migrate over from Hoarcekat the first thing you should do is create a storybook for your project.

To do this, create a new ProjectName.storybook.luau file at the root of your project with the following contents:

-- Make sure to adjust the path to Roact if needed
local Roact = require(script.Parent.Parent.Roact)

return {
roact = Roact,
storyRoots = {

From there the storybook will appear in flipbook's sidebar and you should be able to select your stories with no problem.

Migrating Stories

To fully benefit from the features flipbook has to offer, this section will guide you in converting an existing Hoarcekat story to flipbook's format.

We will use the following component and story as an example:

-- HelloWorld.luau
type Props = {
name: string?

local function HelloWorld(props: Props)
local name = or "World"

return Roact.createElement("TextLabel", {
Text = ("Hello %s!"):format(name),
TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0),
TextScaled = true,
Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
Size = UDim2.fromOffset(200, 100),
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),

return HelloWorld
-- HelloWorld.story.luau
local Roact = require(script.Parent.Parent.Roact)
local HelloWorld = require(script.Parent.HelloWorld)

return function(target)
local root = Roact.createElement(HelloWorld, {
name = "flipbook"

local handle = Roact.mount(root, target)

return function()

Converting a Hoarcekat story like this into one compatible with flipbook is quite easy. In fact, all that's needed from the above story is the call to Roact.createElement:

-- HelloWorld.story.luau
local Roact = require(script.Parent.Parent.Roact)
local HelloWorld = require(script.Parent.HelloWorld)

return {
story = Roact.createElement(HelloWorld, {
name = "flipbook"

Since flipbook assumes use of Roact, you don't have to handle mounting and unmounting yourself. And now that the story has been migrated we can start supercharging it. For starters, we can give the story a summary that will be displayed when viewing it:

local Roact = require(script.Parent.Parent.Roact)
local HelloWorld = require(script.Parent.HelloWorld)

return {
+ summary = "This is a Hoarcekat component that has been converted for flipbook!"
story = Roact.createElement(HelloWorld, {
name = "flipbook"

Next lets add some controls so we can change the name prop without having to manually modify the story:

local Roact = require(script.Parent.Parent.Roact)
local HelloWorld = require(script.Parent.HelloWorld)

return {
summary = "This is a Hoarcekat component that has been converted for flipbook!"
+ controls = {
+ name = "flipbook"
+ }
+ story = return function(props)
+ return Roact.createElement(HelloWorld, {
+ name =
+ })
+ end

You will now have a "Controls" section with an input field. Try changing the value to see your component update live.

You are now equipped to migrate your other Hoarcekat stories over to flipbook!

Further Reading